My name is Katie & I’m a Mechanical Engineer from Co. Wexford, Ireland with a passion for the outdoors. I am motivated by environmental & social issues and love to get involved with organisations & projects doing their part to address issues of global inequality and ANYTHING relating to climate change – whether it’s policy change, gentle activism, business practices, or the individual impact of our own day-to-day lives.

– I’m currently working as a Design for Sustainability Engineer with Logitech. The consumer electronics sector has not traditionally been a shining beacon of sustainability (!) so I’ve been extra impressed with Logitech’s efforts to date, along with their transparency on what areas they want to focus on in the coming years. Have a look…
– 2018-2019 I was working as BSG Program Manager at Engineers Without Borders Ireland, this role included:
- Building a network of engineers in Ireland who can learn more and contribute to global development projects
- Linking Irish engineering companies with partner organisations overseas to improve communities in small ways
- Giving science & engineering college students the chance to learn more about global development issues through our competition titled “Where There Is No Engineer“
- Raise awareness of STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) with the next generation through events with primary & post-primary level students.
- Educate & engage European citizens on SDG11 Sustainable Cities and Communities through the Build Solid Ground campaign.
– Other previous jobs have included Pressure Vessel Design Team Lead with BCD Engineering, Clean Cookstove Design with Burn Manufacturing, and off-grid hydro and solar hybrid system installation with Smart Hydro Power. A diverse background roles and organisations has helped me learn more & more in every new step, taking lessons and skills from a range of industries & regions…. Pharma to Social Enterprise to NGO to Industry.

As a Jack of all trades, some of my other previous lives include:
Volunteer Project Co-ordinator with Refill Ireland
Member of Board of Directors at EIL Intercultural Learning
(Nov 2018 – Nov 2020)
ZW Ambassador & Volunteer with Zero Waste Festival Ireland
And previously Zero Waste Wexford (2017)
Member of Board of Directors at The Urban Co-op, Limerick
(Nov 2017 – Nov 2018)
Ireland Says Welcome, Comhlamh Working Group
(Jan 2018 – May 2019)
I love hill-walking, running, cycling, cooking, crafts, sewing, COFFEE, swimming in the sea, rewatching Planet Earth, yoga, and spending far too much time involved in social & environmental causes that I am passionate about. I have also recently started collecting books that I will read in my hypothetical spare time.

While living in Dublin I loved having the option to cycle everywhere. Cheap, efficient and environmentally friendly.
My most recent adventure involved being a part of a 1 year programme called Homeward Bound. Learn more on the next page….